About Services
Our network security solutions and services include:Network mapping services to improve visibility by identifying and mapping unknown parts of the network. Managed security services that provide essential network security solutions and serve as a remote extension of your security staff.
CCTV Solutions
In today's fast moving world of technology its important that the correct technology is applied in all areas of business and CCTV is no exception. Many variants of IP Based solutions are available on the market today so it is critical for you that your integrator provides the correct advice.
Intelligent Video Analysis
Intelligent Video Analytics. Intellivision has the widest offering of AI and Deep Learning-based Intelligent Video Analytics products in the market today. These core products form the basis for all of IntelliVision's analytics product line, automating video analysis and security alerts, and reducing the need for manual monitoring.
Gate Barriers
Gate Barriers are generally employed in residential areas and parking premises for safe and authenticated access. Gate Barriers control the vehicle access at entry, exit gates. They consist a fixed metal block that carries of a pole which operates electronically and blocks the unidentified vehicles at entry, exit gates.